Teacher's Online Resources
Illustrating Alaska Curriculum Pages
Resources from the exhibit Illustrating Alaska: Artists Making Children’s Books
- Illustrating Alaska: Pre-Lesson [PDF, 1.49MB]
- Illustrating Alaska: Virtual Field Trip [PDF 6.68 MB]
- Illustrating Alaska: Post Field Trip [PDF 845 kb]
- Illustrating Alaska: Post field trip extension activity [PDF 1.17 MB]
Make a Paper Bead Necklace
Make a paper bead necklace: Create paper beads of rolled recycled paper, similiar to the way beads were made in turn-of-the-century Alaska, then string the beads into a necklace or bracelet!
Make a Camera Obscura

Make a Camera Obscura [PDF, 125 Kb]
Examples of work can be found on our online Alaska Positive exhibit.
When "Over There" Was Here: World War II in Alaska
WWII US Navy Squadron patch USN VP-62
7th Ferrying Group | 97-2-1
7th Infantry Division | 2003-13-18
Alaska Communication Systems | 2003-13-19
18th Kiska Task Force | 96-55-4
Alaska Department, US Army | 2003-13-24
Alaska Territorial Guard shoulder patch | 2003-33-1
11th Air Force | 94-13-1
Aleutian Islands | 96-55-3
Design your own dazzle for the USS Alaska (CB-1)
Download All Badges
Kay Field Parker Demonstration Video
Kay Field Parker has had over 20 years of experience weaving with ravenstail style. Ravenstail weaving is an ancient form of twining used to create robes with bold and dazzling geometric designs. By the late 18th century, this geometric style had become highly developed, but then seems to have disappeared with the emergence of Chilkat weaving, a technique used to create curvilinear "formline" crests on robes and regalia. By the early 1800s, Ravenstail's historic form and techniques were absent from the northern Northwest Coast and Alaska.
In this 7-minute video, Kay Field Parker, master weaver from Juneau, Alaska, demonstrates two-strand twining with materials exaggerated in size and scale to help students clearly understand and see the technique. Please be aware that there is no audio to this video.
Eight Stars of Gold
View the Eight Stars of Gold online exhibit the story of Alaska's Flag including teacher's resources.
Great Alaska Game Show
View the Great Alaska Game Show online exhibit. Includes a 27 page activities booklet (PDF 28MB).
Online Exhibits
You may also want to visit our Online Exhibits. Here you may experience recent art exhibitions at the Museum and read what the artists have to say about their work.
Hands-on Loan Program
As part of Alaska State Museums' outreach to students in rural areas across the state, the Sheldon Jackson Museum maintains a hands-on object loan program for schools, libraries, and museums in Alaska. There is no charge for the service except for shipping.
Cultural Programs On-site and in the Classroom
Sheldon Jackson Musuem (SJM) offers many pre-packaged lessons to engage students with the various Native cultures in Alaska. Browse through SJM's Teacher Resources page to see what might work for your classroom.
Page last updated 06/29/2021