- Cama-i, quyana tailuci!
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- "Greetings, thank you for coming!"
Student Learning Data
Component Design
By July 1, 2015, Standards for performance based on student learning data must be adopted. Two to four measurements of student growth must be identified for each teacher and administrator. Procedures to incorporate student data into the evaluation process for teachers and administrators must be established.
Student learning data is defined as an objective, empirical, valid measurement of a student’s growth in knowledge, understanding, or skill in a subject area. The growth must have occurred during the time the student was taught the subject by a teacher. The measurement or assessment must be:
- Based on verifiable data or information that has been recorded or preserved;
- Able to be repeated with the same expected results, and;
- Independent of the point of view or interpretation of the person giving the assessment.
The Alaska Department of Education & Early Development has developed resources that can be used by districts across the state as they design the student learning data component of their evaluation and support system. The purpose of the resources is to provide documents, tools, and templates to be used as starting points to developing a student learning data component that satisfies the new regulatory requirements and also incorporates best practices. Feel free to use these resources as is or adapt them to fit your district’s needs.
Note: The new regulations also require that the district consults directly with the educators who are subject to the evaluation system when identifying the appropriate student learning data for evaluation and when adopting performance standards for student learning.
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Please share if this tool was helpful for your district’s redesign of the evaluation system and support. Provide any suggestion or changes made that might be helpful for other districts for future use. For general comments or questions an e-mail can be sent to eed.edeval@alaska.gov.